Questgen is an online tool for generating higher-order reasoning questions automatically using advanced AI techniques.
Questgen provides a simple one-click solution to generate quizzes that need reasoning and critical thinking skills. You can try out Questgen for free (No credit card needed!). Simply sign-up and you are good to go!
Bloom's Taxonomy is a classification method to classify the learning objectives of students into different levels of complexity ranging from factual retrieval to critical thinking.
This is the lowest level of the taxonomy. At this level, you are allowed to take in as much information as possible. It involves listening, reading, memorizing, etc. This level mostly involves the retrieval of factual information as a learning objective.
This level involves you placing these pieces of information into different classes and trying to find similarities, differences, and meeting points. The learning objectives here are comparing, contrasting, summarizing, exemplifying, the content, etc.
At this level, you use this categorized knowledge and try to apply it in your everyday life scenarios, relate it to recent happenings, etc. This helps solidify what you understand and its retention. You try to act out, display, relate, execute, etc.
At the analysis level, you organize, brainstorm, and differentiate all the gathered information while attributing to its results. This is where critical thinking gets involved.
At the evaluation level, you make a well-thought judgment or an interpretation of the information and results at your disposal. You evaluate or give thoughts on the statement, either for it or against it.
At the highest level of Bloom's Taxonomy, you have adequate knowledge of the particular concept and now you can create designs and solutions to the problems yourself.
Using Questgen, you can generate various types of quizzes using AI that cater to different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy in one click:
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