Create Quiz from PDF using AI in 1-click!

Convert PDF to Quiz in one click using AI. You can upload any long PDF up to 100 pages long and create quizzes like MCQs, True/False, etc from its content.

Create Engaging Assessments With Questgen

Gone are the days of static assessments. With Questgen, you can upload any file PDF, Doc, Docx, or text and create quizzes, creating a dynamic learning experience that resonates with every learner.

How to import pdf file into Questgen
Extracted text and generated quiz from PDF file

Why Choose PDF to Quiz?

1. Dynamic Learning Experiences

Say goodbye to dull assessments. Convert PDF content into quizzes that captivate your students, making learning an interactive journey.

2. Adaptability at Its Core

Tailor quizzes to your teaching style by extracting questions directly from PDFs. Embrace adaptability without compromising efficiency.

3. Effortless Quiz Creation

No more wrestling with quiz creation tools. Transform PDFs or Word documents into quizzes seamlessly, saving time for what matters most – teaching.

4. Comprehensive Assessments

Ensure a well-rounded understanding of the material. Generate quizzes from entire PDFs or specific sections, giving you control over the assessment scope.

Educational Opportunities Unleashed With Questgen

  • Innovative Learning Resources: Transform PDF textbooks into interactive study materials, making lessons more engaging and accessible.
  • Digital Classroom Enhancement: Empower online learning by converting PDF lecture notes into quizzes, fostering active participation and understanding.
  • Stay Current with Current Affairs: Create quizzes from PDF articles, staying connected with real-world events and incorporating them into your teaching.

Why Questgen's PDF to Quiz Matters:

  • Engagement Amplified: Interactive quizzes make learning enjoyable and foster student participation.
  • Teacher-Friendly: Effortlessly turn PDFs into quizzes without the tech hassle. Questgen does the heavy lifting for you.
  • Adaptive and Customizable: Tailor quizzes to suit your teaching objectives and adapt them to different learning styles.
  • Versatile Assessments: From full PDFs to specific sections, Questgen provides flexibility in designing comprehensive assessments.
Questgen's PDF to Quiz feature is not just a tool; it's a catalyst for change in the way we teach and learn. Embrace innovation, foster engagement, and transform your teaching materials into interactive learning experiences. Ready to revolutionize your classroom? Start using Questgen today!

How It Works?

How to import text from PDF in Questgen

Upload PDF:

Click on Import from File and upload your PDF file. It will import the content of the PDF.

Generate Quiz:

Once you click on Submit, Questgen creates a tailored quiz in just a few seconds.

Customize and Share:

Fine-tune questions, add your touch with the ability to edit each question, and effortlessly export and share quizzes with your students.


Ready to try out Questgen for free?

It's just a click away!